Wednesday, 13 November 2024

2nd Security issue

 6. My brother always uses public conections, like public libraries or cultural centers, to do his online works. He has an important job and manage sensible information about clients and business. I think this is not a good idea to use public wi-fi connections to do so… What do you think and why…

Public wifi its very dangerous because it contains dangeous viruses and hackers can use this wifis to steal personal data from the people.

Possible solutions:

1. You can use a vpn like NordVPN or another.

2. Always use HTTPS on websites you visit frequently, or that require you to enter some type of credentials.

3. Disable data sharing in system preferences or Control Panel, depending on the operating system.

4. Even if you haven't actively connected to a network, your computer's wireless hardware continues to transmit data with any network within range.

There are security measures to prevent this unimportant communication from becoming dangerous, but not all wireless routers are created equal, and hackers can be quite clever.

Link to the web: Link here

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

1st security issue


  1. I have opened an email sent by a friend and clicked on a link that looked legitimate and harmless. Onci opened the attachment, it automatically downloads software to my computer. I do not know what has happened and how to fix it.
First you need to check the email address if its real or not with an app called Skyextractor, when  the app finished  you will see that if the email is real or not.
Later you need to contact to the Brigada Central De Investigción Tecnologica and tell them what happened and you report them for trying to deceive you and if you can, you take them to court so they can be put in jail since this is illegal.

Possible solutions:

1. Users should err on the side of caution when opening a message from an unknown sender.

2. Even when communicating with a trusted person, you should never exchange personal information, e.g.
Social Security numbers, banking information, passwords, etc.

3.Most email clients incorporate spam filters, but third-party filtering services can give users more granular control over their email.

In this link you can see what the ilegal things are in internet: Link here

And in this link you can log in Skyextractor: Link here


Gimp project 004

  I used paintings of Vincent van Gogh that is one of the best painters of all time